
How Different Brain Activity Can Influence a PTSD Response 

How Different Brain Activity Can Influence a PTSD Response  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a response that can develop after a person lives through a life threatening or other harrowing situation. It is commonly seen in veterans, car crash survivors, survivors of natural disasters, and those who have lived through abuse. PTSD can cause anxiety symptoms, panic attacks, and cause survivors to feel like they are reliving past experiences. But not everyone who goes through a life threatening situation will develop PTSD afterward. People may also develop PTSD in some cases but not in others. Scientists are continually studying the relation between traumatic experiences and who develops…

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Differences in Clinical Depression Symptoms Between Men and Women

Differences in Clinical Depression Symptoms Between Men and Women 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Depression affects both men and women, but the way the different genders individually experience depression in terms of symptoms and coping skills will often vary. This is due to a few factors, including genetics, the ways the brain processes information, experiences, and societal expectations for men and women.  The separate symptoms add to the challenge of knowing that you may have depression and realizing that you need to take the first step toward getting treatment.  Gendered Symptoms and Coping Mechanisms of Depression What a person experiences when they have depression is almost always highly individual from person to person, but…

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Anxiety and Alcohol: Why Trying to Treat Anxiety with Alcohol Makes Problems Worse 

Anxiety and Alcohol: Why Trying to Treat Anxiety with Alcohol Makes Problems Worse  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

For a long time, alcohol has been called “liquid courage.” Some people like it as a go to solution when faced with a situation that triggers nerves or fear, and many people do find, at least initially, that taking a drink of alcohol after a stressful day or drinking before a social situation can reduce some feelings of anxiety. Unfortunately, alcohol is far from the effective anxiety treatment that it may initially seem when you begin drinking. Regular alcohol consumption can in fact make your anxiety worse. This is how the science behind anxiety can affect you and why it…

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Understanding Comorbidity from a Mental Health Standpoint 

Understanding Comorbidity from a Mental Health Standpoint  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Comorbidity occurs when a person suffers from two illnesses at the same time. They can be both chronic illnesses that affect your physical health, a mental health issue and a physical health issue, or two or more mental health conditions that impact you simultaneously. One of the most common comorbidity combinations in mental health is a mood disorder, like depression or bipolar disorder, combined with a substance abuse problem. These form a complex pairing in which both will continue to exacerbate the effects of the other, creating a cycle of depression and dependence that can be extremely difficult to break…

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Managing Cravings After Addiction 

Managing Cravings After Addiction  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

With many substance addictions, the temptation to continue using even after you have given up regular use and are in recovery can continue long past the time when you have given up regular use and are in recovery. These cravings for alcohol, opioids, and other substances can be extreme, but giving in to a craving could potentially set you back months in your recovery process. Knowing that it is alright to expect cravings and what to do when you feel one can help you achieve another victory over your addiction and continue to stay in control of your cravings. Coping…

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Alcohol and Sleep – How Drinking May Be Keeping You from Getting Enough Rest

Alcohol and Sleep – How Drinking May Be Keeping You from Getting Enough Rest 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Sleep is essential for good health, both mental and physical. This does not mean naps or a few hours of sleep each night, but a full 7 to 9 hours of sleep that includes periods of deep sleep. This helps your mind process events, deal with challenges and stresses in your waking hours, and let your cells and organs continue to work efficiently. Alcohol is a significant obstacle when it comes to sleep, however. Although it can often make you feel tired, drinking actually interrupts your sleep, which is a large part of the reason that alcohol abuse can often…

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Why Seek Treatment for Panic Disorder? 

Why Seek Treatment for Panic Disorder?  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

A panic attack is a frightening emotional and physiological event. During the attack, a person is overwhelmed with a sense of fear and experiences an activation of the fight or flight reaction, including rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and muscle tension in such a way that a panic attack can even feel like a heart attack. When you have panic disorder, you may experience these panic attacks frequently. In the moments where you feel fine, you could still be left dreading the next panic attack or on edge waiting for one of your triggers, until it feels like panic disorder has…

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How to Prevent Addiction with Benzos for Anxiety Treatment 

How to Prevent Addiction with Benzos for Anxiety Treatment  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Benzodiazepines, often shortened to benzos, are an extremely beneficial drug to treat different anxiety disorders like panic disorder or social anxiety. They are highly effective in providing intermediate relief when someone is experiencing a panic attack or intense anxiety by increasing dopamine levels in the brain and making the body feel more relaxed, similar to the way alcohol relaxes. But like opioids and other prescription medication, misuse of benzodiazepines can lead to addiction. This is why it is important to work with your psychiatrist when taking medication for anxiety and be aware of any signs that could indicate that you…

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Understanding the Differences Between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks

Understanding the Differences Between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Worry and stress are natural responses to difficult or dangerous situations. But when panic or anxiety are triggered without an immediate cause, you can find yourself experiencing a panic attack or anxiety attack. These are both mental and physical responses that are intense enough that they can interrupt daily situations. Although there are some similarities between panic and anxiety attacks, they are not the same. Being able to tell which one you are experiencing can help you determine the best course of action to manage your symptoms. Panic Attacks vs. Anxiety Attacks – How to Manage Them An anxiety attack…

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Understanding the Difference Between Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 

Understanding the Difference Between Psychiatry and Psychotherapy  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Mental health conditions are complex health issues. They often present in changes of emotions, moods, and thoughts. But they can also cause real, physical changes within the brain as well. Treatment for mental health needs to address both of these issues to be effective. The leading ways to treat mental health disorders are through medication assisted therapy, or psychiatry, and talk therapy, or psychotherapy. While each can offer benefits for different mental health conditions, there are differences in these two approaches. If you are just starting the process of finding the partner who will help you reach your mental wellness…

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