
When Should You See a Psychiatrist for Anxiety? 

When Should You See a Psychiatrist for Anxiety?  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Worry and stress are natural responses in the body. In small amounts, they keep us alert and performing well during situations that are high stakes. As a result, everyone will feel the fear and worry associated with anxiety at some point. In the past few years, health concerns, intense news, and seemingly endless stressors have caused many people to feel worry almost continuously. This can lead you to wonder if this anxiety is a response you can deal with on your own and one that will go away with time, or if you should seek the help of a psychiatrist…

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Causes of Anxiety in College Students

Causes of Anxiety in College Students 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

College is often touted as an exciting time in life where young adults will enjoy new experiences, make new friends, and begin establishing themselves as adults in the world. But all too often, young people get to college and find themselves instead overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. In addition to making the normal routines of college difficult, anxiety can have particularly adverse effects on a young mind. Unfortunately, the brains of young adults and the college environment readily contribute to anxiety, leaving more than 60% of students to experience anxiety. Why College Students are More Likely to Experience Anxiety  Living…

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How to Manage Stressful Situations Without Jeopardizing Your Wellbeing

How to Manage Stressful Situations Without Jeopardizing Your Wellbeing 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Living through stressful situations takes a toll on your mental and physical health. While more limited periods of stress can get you through challenging situations, continuing stress will begin to put you at risk for mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and panic disorder, as well as physical health issues. Being able to manage stress effectively will help limit the more intense symptoms you can experience when you start to feel overwhelmed. Instead, management techniques will keep you in control so that you remain effective while dealing with stress and are able to maintain your mental health in high stakes…

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Specific vs Complex Phobias: Understanding Your Fears

Specific vs Complex Phobias: Understanding Your Fears 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

When you think of phobias, terms like claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or arachnophobia (fear of spiders) may first come to mind. These are two very common phobias, along with others like fear of heights, needles, and flying. These are specific phobias, or simple phobias, since they involve a specific subject. The other type of phobias are complex phobias, and include social phobia and agoraphobia. Those who experience one of these phobias can have symptoms of worry, fear, and panic in response to a variety of situations and triggers. A better understanding of the phobia you are experiencing can often…

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Understanding the Differences Between OCD Compulsions and General Fear

Understanding the Differences Between OCD Compulsions and General Fear 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

It is relatively common to hear OCD used as an adjective, such as when someone puts things in order or feels like they are washing their hands all the time because of the pandemic since one of the more common types of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is the fear of contamination and disease, and the intense anxiety that it brings. But those with OCD know that the reality of acting on a compulsion is far different from the general precautions you may take to avoid dirt, keep from harming others, or double checking to be sure you locked your front…

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What Can a Psychiatrist Do For Your Anxiety?

What Can a Psychiatrist Do For Your Anxiety? 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders adults in America, with over 40 million people experiencing an anxiety disorder each year.  Anxiety disorders like PTSD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and OCD can all make going about your daily life a challenge. Visiting a psychiatrist is one way to manage or potentially eliminate the symptoms associated with an anxiety disorder diagnosis. As a medical doctor, a psychiatrist will most often use medications to treat the mental and physical symptoms of an anxiety disorder, and then combine those medications with other treatment options such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).…

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How Sedentary Behavior May Increase Anxiety – And How the Pandemic May Have Contributed

How Sedentary Behavior May Increase Anxiety – And How the Pandemic May Have Contributed 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Anxiety is common. It is estimated that between 15% and 30% of Texas is currently or has once struggled with a diagnosable anxiety disorder, and many more have issues with stress and anxiousness that are difficult to manage. What causes that anxiety can vary considerably, from genetics to trauma to persistent life stress and beyond. But, as we look at ways to help decrease anxiousness and treat anxiety, it helps to look at one’s lifestyle habits to see if there are little things that can be changed in order to find some relief. One issue that may be contributing to…

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