Colleyville, TX Psychiatrist at Aware Behavioral Health

Mental Health Treatments with a Psychiatrist in Dallas

A significant number of people experience a mental health challenge at some point in their lives. This is understandable given the wide range of causes of mental health conditions, from environment to genetics to habits to stress, as well as some mental health conditions that seem to happen without an identifiable cause. 

This leaves you coping with the daily struggles of depression, anxiety, addiction, and a range of other disorders, all of which can threaten your emotional and physical well being and make your daily tasks feel like a constant uphill battle. But this is not a struggle you have to manage alone when you have an experienced psychiatrist in Dallas.

Dr. Surin Sehdev, a psychiatrist at Aware Behavioral Health, provides remote psychiatry in Colleyville for local patients who are struggling with a range of disorders. We use a comprehensive array of treatments, starting with medication, to manage symptoms and provide the support you need. Contact us at 888-677-4562 or send us a message to get started.

Mental Health Conditions We Help Manage

When it comes to mental health, symptoms can vary widely from person to person, but a diagnosis provides a helpful starting point for beginning treatment and a way to understand more about how different conditions can impact you. The mental health diagnosis we can work with include, but are not limited to:

  • Depression – We can treat a variety of depression conditions, such as clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder, and we have solutions for depression that may not have responded to other treatment methods. 
  • Addiction – We treat opioid addiction, substance abuse, alcohol addiction, and other addictions using medication to help manage withdrawal symptoms and build strategies that will help you stay clean and avoid substance abuse in the future.
  • Anxiety – We have worked with a range of different anxiety diagnoses, including general anxiety, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Insomnia and Sleep Disorders – Aware Behavioral Health can help clients with insomnia, narcolepsy, and other diagnoses that interfere with healthy sleep patterns.
  • ADHD – Dr. Sehdev assists Cooleyville patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to increase their focus and improve performance at work or school.
  • Sexual Dysfunction – We have solutions for men and women who are experiencing problems with sexual performance and sex drive. 

As an experienced psychiatrist, Dr. Sehdev also knows that these conditions and others that you may experience do not happen independently. Two or more mental health diagnoses can often occur alongside each other, with one causing the other. Or your challenges can be a result of stressors or triggers in your environment. 

For this reason, we make sure to get a comprehensive picture of your experiences and what you are struggling with before designing an individualized treatment plan that is most likely to meet your needs.

Psychiatric Treatment Options Near Colleyville 

We approach treatment for your mental health condition at Aware Behavioral Health Know with the immediate goal of alleviating the worst of your mental health symptoms. These are the symptoms that make it difficult to go about your day to day life or engaged in the experiences you want to.

The most effective solution here is often medication. Dr. Sehdev will work with you to find a prescription that will help control the worst of your symptoms and improve how you feel day to day. Once this initial treatment is in place, we can continue working on long term goals. This may include:

  • Medication – The right medication management can provide a lasting solution to many mental health conditions. We meet with you on an ongoing basis to be sure that medications are working consistently with good results.
  • Psychotherapy – Talk therapy methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help you understand the causes behind mood disorders and other conditions. They then offer strategies for altering moods and behaviors that could contribute to or are a result of a mental health condition.
  • Additional Resources  – When helpful, we can work with you to secure additional resources that will support you in your long term recovery or ongoing management of a mental health condition.

Mental health treatments at Aware Behavioral Health are flexible, which is part of what makes it possible for us to treat a wide variety of mental health conditions and meet you where you are in terms of your mental health.

Why Dr. Sehdev and Aware Behavioral Health are the Right Choice for Mental Health Treatment in Colleyville

Aware Behavioral Health provides reliable treatment for mental health near Dallas with remote appointments that make it easy to get reliable solutions from a psychiatrist who is supportive, judgment free, and focused on learning about who you are and who you want to be beyond your mental health challenges.

Dr. Sehdev is experienced in meeting the needs of patients from teenagers to adults to seniors, creating the space for you to prioritize your mental health. We invite you to begin treatment with a Dallas psychiatrist by filling out the form on your right or calling us at 888-677-4562.

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