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FAQs About Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

FAQs About Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, is a relatively new treatment in the world of psychiatric care. It is currently recommended as a treatment for clinical depression, but further research and the continued positive results of this method in reducing depression symptoms indicate that this will be a promising therapy for a variety of mental health conditions. If you have been looking for an effective treatment for depression in Dallas, you may have heard of TMS therapy, but still have some questions about the success, safety, and process behind this treatment. What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? Transcranial magnetic stimulation uses an…

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When Regular Drinking Becomes an Addiction

When Regular Drinking Becomes an Addiction 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Drinking alcohol is a regular occurrence for many adults. In fact, studies show that more than half the adults in the US have had an alcoholic beverage in the last month and almost 90% have had one at some point in their lives. With drinking so prevalent, it can be difficult to tell when drinking alcohol moves past the stage of casual enjoyment and into the realm of alcohol abuse, or alcoholism. Because alcoholism is a serious problem – one that can impact your ability to perform at work, be present in relationships, and keep yourself and others safe –…

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How Long is TMS Treatment Effective For?

How Long is TMS Treatment Effective For? 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

TMS, short for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a special treatment designed to reduce or entirely remove the symptoms of depression, OCD, and anxiety. Developed as an alternative to medications, electroconvulsive therapy, and other depression treatments, TMS often works where other methods have failed to alleviate symptoms.  As this is a newer therapy, most patients have many questions regarding its effectiveness. TMS works by delivering electromagnetic pulses into the brain. These pulses stimulate neurons in the prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain that controls emotions. Lowered activity in these neurons is connected to depression and by stimulating the cell activity…

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Understanding Anhedonia: How Depression Can Be Misunderstood

Understanding Anhedonia: How Depression Can Be Misunderstood 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

When most people think of depression, they envision emotions like sadness, loneliness, and hurt. But depression is a complex condition, one that results in (and results from) changes in brain activity and chemistry. Any time something changes how your brain responds and reacts can lead to issues that may not be exactly what people think about when they think of the term “depressed.” One example is anhedonia. Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure. Anhedonia is common in depression and can be experienced even when other feelings may not be as apparent. What it Means to Have Anhedonia It is…

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What Can a Psychiatrist Do For Your Anxiety?

What Can a Psychiatrist Do For Your Anxiety? 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders adults in America, with over 40 million people experiencing an anxiety disorder each year.  Anxiety disorders like PTSD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and OCD can all make going about your daily life a challenge. Visiting a psychiatrist is one way to manage or potentially eliminate the symptoms associated with an anxiety disorder diagnosis. As a medical doctor, a psychiatrist will most often use medications to treat the mental and physical symptoms of an anxiety disorder, and then combine those medications with other treatment options such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).…

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How a Dallas Psychiatrist Will Help Your Anxiety

How a Dallas Psychiatrist Will Help Your Anxiety 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Mental health is important. So often, people talk about exercise and diet for improving their physical health. But your mental health is critical both for enjoying your life and even for living longer, as those that are able to manage their psychological health are also able to live longer. Caring for your mental health is thus as important as any other type of self-care, and one that can help you take better control over your life and future. Although there are many ways to care for your mental health, seeing a Dallas psychiatrist is often one of the most effective.…

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How Sedentary Behavior May Increase Anxiety – And How the Pandemic May Have Contributed

How Sedentary Behavior May Increase Anxiety – And How the Pandemic May Have Contributed 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Anxiety is common. It is estimated that between 15% and 30% of Texas is currently or has once struggled with a diagnosable anxiety disorder, and many more have issues with stress and anxiousness that are difficult to manage. What causes that anxiety can vary considerably, from genetics to trauma to persistent life stress and beyond. But, as we look at ways to help decrease anxiousness and treat anxiety, it helps to look at one’s lifestyle habits to see if there are little things that can be changed in order to find some relief. One issue that may be contributing to…

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Understanding the Types of Bipolar Disorder – Signs and Symptoms

Understanding the Types of Bipolar Disorder – Signs and Symptoms 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by intense mood swings between depression (feelings of being sad, low, or empty) and mania (feelings of elation, and energy). But few patients experience or show signs of bipolar disorder in the same way. For this reason, doctors have classified bipolar disorder into several different types based on the differences most commonly seen between patients. Types of Bipolar Disorder Within these diagnoses, it is important to note that symptoms can still vary between people, and one person’s symptoms may change as they age. These factors, and the range of behaviors exhibited within…

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Mistakes People Make When Trying to Treat Their Insomnia

Mistakes People Make When Trying to Treat Their Insomnia 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Sleepless nights lead to an uncomfortable next day. Without enough sleep, our bodies and minds begin to shut down. Our productivity decreases, causing potential problems with work, school, and spending time with friends and family. A lack of alertness can lead to dangerous situations and poor decisions. When you are not able to sleep the needed amount during the evenings, there are many techniques you may attempt or be advised to try. Instead of helping, these behaviors often make it harder to sleep. If you suffer from insomnia in Dallas, TX, please contact Aware Behavioral Health for our psychiatric services. …

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