
Understanding Neuroplasticity and How it Affects Your Mental Health

Understanding Neuroplasticity and How it Affects Your Mental Health 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

As we grow, our brains change. Learning new skills and going through new experiences can alter the neural pathways that control our thought processes. This happens throughout our lives in a process called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is at play almost every moment. All your behaviors and thoughts can either rewire your brain, or reinforce the pathways that are already there. This is essential for learning, but it can also influence the thought patterns behind your moods, potentially being the cause of various mental health conditions and preventing you from breaking from the negative thought patterns that are a symptom of many…

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Why Many Seniors Are Not Getting the Depression Treatment They Need

Why Many Seniors Are Not Getting the Depression Treatment They Need 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

People can experience depression at any age. But older adults, especially those over the age of 65, have an increased risk for depression. A lifetime of experiences, loss of loved ones, pain and illness, reduced abilities, and worry about aging and death are significant challenges adults face as they get older, and they can contribute to depression. Yet depression is underdiagnosed in seniors, and many of the older adults who experience depression do not get the help they need to manage the symptoms. Estimates place the number of people in this demographic living with a mental health condition at around…

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What is Walking Depression – and How to Tell If You Have It

What is Walking Depression – and How to Tell If You Have It 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions, but doctors and scientists estimate that only around half of the people who suffer from depression get a diagnosis. Since a diagnosis is often the first step towards treatment and improving your mental wellbeing, discussing your depression with a Dallas psychiatrist is important. The challenge is that many of these people do not realize they have depression because they do not have the typical symptoms we associate with depression – trouble getting out of bed, withdrawal from relationships and work, and thoughts of suicide. The symptoms may be less…

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Postpartum Depression for New Dads

Postpartum Depression for New Dads 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

For those who have heard of postpartum depression, most understand it as a depressive illness that affects women in the weeks after they give birth, causing them to be unhappy and making it difficult for them to care for their new baby. Depression is often brought on by hormonal changes during pregnancy and the stress around a birth. While postpartum depression is a severe struggle for 15% of women, doctors are also realizing that many men experience postpartum depression too. As many as 5 to 10% of new fathers also experience depression symptoms after the birth of their child. Symptoms…

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OCD Indicators: Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD Indicators: Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Although researchers estimate that over 2 million people in the country suffer from OCD, only about one third of that number seek treatment. Part of this is because many people do not understand that the symptoms they are experiencing are signs of OCD. 5 Signs of OCD Symptoms of OCD will often consist of both obsessions and compulsions, but some patients do experience only one. These symptoms also tend to begin gradually, with only one or two mild symptoms at the beginning, which can make it difficult to identify OCD in yourself. If you have noticed any of the following,…

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Strategies for Managing ADHD Symptoms as an Adult

Strategies for Managing ADHD Symptoms as an Adult 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Most of the conversation around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, centers around children and teenagers. These age groups do tend to have many problems when it comes to ADHD, from getting the diagnosis for the first time or navigating school and friendships. So it is not hard to find resources if you have a child or teen with this disorder. But there are also more than 11 million adults in the country with ADHD. Whether you have been dealing with this since childhood or just received a diagnosis, ADHD can still make it difficult to fulfill daily tasks and…

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Why Men Are Less Likely to Seek Help for Depression – and Why You Should Get Help Anyway

Why Men Are Less Likely to Seek Help for Depression – and Why You Should Get Help Anyway 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Many Western cultures, including the U.S., have long characterized men as more resilient, independent, and less troubled by emotional upset. Under this characterization, depression is sometimes seen as a mental health condition that men do not experience, or at least do not show symptoms of. But as many men can attest, this simply is not true. At least 30% of men have experienced or will experience symptoms of depression at some point in their lives. Over 9% of men are currently experiencing depression. In addition, men with depression are four times more likely to attempt suicide than women. Whether from…

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How Drinking Alcohol May Be Impacting Your Depression

How Drinking Alcohol May Be Impacting Your Depression 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

There is a correlation between depression and alcohol abuse. One does not necessarily cause the other, but those who exhibit alcoholism are likely to have clinical depression. Likewise, those who abuse alcohol have likely dealt with depression symptoms or are currently doing so. Although alcohol addiction and depression may not cause each other, alcoholism will impact the symptoms of depression. It can make the symptoms stronger, longer lasting, and more difficult to recover from.  Symptoms of Depression that is Affected by Drinking Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant. This means it reduces nervous system functioning and the production of certain chemicals…

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Why Some Prescription Medications Work for Some People and Not Others

Why Some Prescription Medications Work for Some People and Not Others 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Psychiatric medications are used to treat a range of mental health disorders, from depression to ADHD to anxiety. Yet there is no one-size-fits-all approach to medication assisted treatments. The medications that work for some people may not work for others, and vice versa. Understanding this can help you understand the psychiatric process. The right prescription can provide much-needed relief from the symptoms of many mental health conditions. But understanding the challenges behind finding the right medication for each patient, and why some medications work for some people and not others, can let you know what to expect from the process.…

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Determining If Your Teenager Has Depression

Determining If Your Teenager Has Depression 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

The teenage years can be difficult. Many adolescents are just starting to figure out how to manage and express their emotions. Coupled with the stresses of school, friends, work, and the future, moodiness is not uncommon in young adults. But depression in teenagers is also common, with about 20% of people experiencing symptoms of clinical depression before they reach adulthood. Yet fewer than half of these young adults receive treatment because they do not know how to reach out, or do not understand what they are experiencing. The symptoms of adolescent depression can be different from what adults experience. Being…

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