
Support Solutions for Giving Up Alcohol 

Support Solutions for Giving Up Alcohol  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

If you have alcohol use disorder and are looking to get control back over your life, you will need to be aware of the withdrawal process. It is important to know that this process can be a difficult one and there are often challenges along the way. Setbacks are normal as you change behavior that both your mind and body have formed a dependency on. But you can increase your chances of a successful withdrawal and recovery by collecting the right resources and adopting a particular mindset before you begin the process of giving up alcohol. Getting the Right Resources…

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Who Does PTSD Affect?

Who Does PTSD Affect? 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Post traumatic stress disorder was first known as “shell shock” in the years following WWI when it was primarily a diagnosis for veterans. Today, veterans are still one of the groups that often experience PTSD, but they are not the only ones. PTSD is a condition that can occur to any person, of any age, gender, or background. About 8% of people live with PTSD at some point, often – but not always – in response to a frightening event or a harmful experience. Others might develop PTSD after witnessing an event that occurred to someone else or having a…

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Outside Causes of Insomnia 

Outside Causes of Insomnia  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Living with insomnia can be extremely frustrating. You lie down to go to sleep, feeling tired, but as soon as your head hits the pillow, you find you are wide awake and no amount of tossing and turning can help you fall asleep. Many people who experience this attribute it simply to insomnia, but only about 10% of insomnia diagnoses are pure insomnia, meaning they have no outside cause. More often, insomnia is the result of another mental health challenge, but effective treatment will involve looking at both issues concurrently.  External Causes of Insomnia  Some of the most frequent mental…

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When Should You See a Psychiatrist for Anxiety? 

When Should You See a Psychiatrist for Anxiety?  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Worry and stress are natural responses in the body. In small amounts, they keep us alert and performing well during situations that are high stakes. As a result, everyone will feel the fear and worry associated with anxiety at some point. In the past few years, health concerns, intense news, and seemingly endless stressors have caused many people to feel worry almost continuously. This can lead you to wonder if this anxiety is a response you can deal with on your own and one that will go away with time, or if you should seek the help of a psychiatrist…

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Physical Health Problems that Result from Depression

Physical Health Problems that Result from Depression 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Depression is most often characterized by the emotional symptoms it brings- persistent low mood, hopelessness, sadness, and worthlessness – that can make day to day life difficult and be extremely taxing on your mental well being. But the mind and body are heavily connected and when you experience depression, the challenges do not stop with just your mental health. Many people will also experience physical health problems when depression is left untreated.  How Depression Can Affect You Physically Depression can have both short term and long term physical health challenges that often get worse the longer depression goes untreated. Common…

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How to Support a Loved One in Overcoming Addiction

How to Support a Loved One in Overcoming Addiction 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

When you have a family member, significant other, or a friend who is experiencing addiction to prescription drugs, alcohol, or illicit substances, it can be a significant stress for your relationship. You want what is best for them, but they can often seem incapable of doing what is best for themselves. Meanwhile, your efforts to help them may only put further strain on the relationship. Important Facts to Understand About Addiction  When someone you love is struggling with addiction, one of the most important things you can do, but also one of the hardest, is to stay compassionate and not…

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Simplifying Medication Management 

Simplifying Medication Management  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Millions of people rely on medication to help manage different mental and physical health conditions. But as helpful as medication can be, it can also be dangerous if someone is taking medication incorrectly. The CDC estimates that nearly half of medication is taken incorrectly, with people taking the wrong dosage, missing doses, mixing medications, or discontinuing use before advised by a doctor. Correctly managing your medication, both on your own and with the help of a doctor, will make it possible to get the best results and avoid any risks with your prescriptions. Keeping Track of Your Medication Because of…

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Causes of Anxiety in College Students

Causes of Anxiety in College Students 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

College is often touted as an exciting time in life where young adults will enjoy new experiences, make new friends, and begin establishing themselves as adults in the world. But all too often, young people get to college and find themselves instead overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. In addition to making the normal routines of college difficult, anxiety can have particularly adverse effects on a young mind. Unfortunately, the brains of young adults and the college environment readily contribute to anxiety, leaving more than 60% of students to experience anxiety. Why College Students are More Likely to Experience Anxiety  Living…

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Differences Between Drug Misuse, Substance Abuse, and Drug Addiction

Differences Between Drug Misuse, Substance Abuse, and Drug Addiction 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

The incorrect usage of drugs is a leading concern in Dallas and elsewhere. As a result, you may frequently hear the terms misuse, abuse, and addiction in the conversation surrounding the drug epidemic. But these words are not exactly interchangeable and each describes a particular set of challenges. While all of these can require help and intervention, they also often require a separate approach depending on what a patient is actually experiencing. Here is how each of these drug usage concerns is differentiated and what the solutions are for each use. Specific Drug Problems Based on Usage Type Drugs, including…

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Warning Signs of Suicide

Warning Signs of Suicide 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

One of the main challenges with suicide is that those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts may feel shame or guilt about those thoughts, making them unwilling to confide in others until it is too late for an outside observer to tell those who are experiencing suicide ideation that their thoughts of worthlessness, sadness, or the idea that people would be better off without them are not true. This is not possible when those thoughts are missed. Instead of expecting clear statements of intent, watching for these particular signs can potentially indicate that a loved one or friend is having suicidal…

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