
Psychiatrist for Anxiety Dallas: Why a Psychiatrist is the Best Choice for Your Care?

Psychiatrist for Anxiety Dallas: Why a Psychiatrist is the Best Choice for Your Care? 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

When you are facing an anxiety condition, you have multiple options available for your care in Dallas. Yet for many people, the leading solution is psychiatry. Psychiatry is focused on medication assisted treatment that relies on prescription medication to help manage anxiety symptoms.  But unlike a physician who can often still prescribe some mental health medications, a psychiatrist is specifically focused on mental health issues and is experienced with other treatment methods, such as psychotherapy. This makes a psychiatrist the right partner for anxiety treatment in Dallas.  How Anxiety Conditions Benefit from Psychiatric Care Anxiety treatment from a psychiatrist, like…

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New Study Shows that Eating Disorder Diagnoses Have Increased

New Study Shows that Eating Disorder Diagnoses Have Increased 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

The number of people seeking treatment for eating disorders has been increasing year over year for the past decades. For the most part, this has been at a pretty steady rate of slightly less than 1% per month. A new quantitative study found that this number jumped significantly in 2020 and 2021 when concerns over COVID and the effects of lockdowns and disruptions to day to day life were at their peak. This study offers some important insight into changes around eating disorders and expected experiences in the coming years.  Recent and Expected Rates of Eating Disorders This study specifically…

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Is Situational Depression Affecting You? 

Is Situational Depression Affecting You?  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Many people who experience depression feel that it begins without a specific event to trigger its onset, but others can pinpoint a specific moment that led to their feelings of sadness, stress, hopelessness, and a sense of being overwhelmed or unable to face the day. In many cases, this may be situational depression. Situational depression is considered an “adjustment disorder with depressed mood.” Since it is a different condition than clinical depression or other depressive disorders, it can be helpful to know how the symptoms you may experience differ from those commonly associated with depression and what steps you should…

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Anxiety That Manifests Physically

Anxiety That Manifests Physically 2560 1920 Aware Behavioral Health

Anxiety is a mental health condition. It is also the most common. Many people struggle with anxiety, and many of those people that do will qualify as having a mental health disorder. But it’s important to note that a “mental health disorder” doesn’t mean that your anxiety is strictly mental. While many of us understand that anxiety comes with worries and fears, as psychiatrists, we understand that there is more to anxiety than just thoughts, and that – for many – it is the physical symptoms of anxiety that cause the most distress. Causes of Physical Anxiety Symptoms The amygdala…

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New Anxiety Screening Guidelines – Underlining the Importance of Anxiety Treatment

New Anxiety Screening Guidelines – Underlining the Importance of Anxiety Treatment 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Anxiety in adults has been on the rise over the past years. From 2020 to 2021 alone, the number of anxiety cases has gone up by more than 5%. Much of this was due to a significant jump during COVID, but even independently of COVID, cases of anxiety – predominantly generalized anxiety disorder – have been on the rise. In response, a government task force last month published a recommendation that all adults under 65 regularly receive anxiety screening during their annual preventative care. Although not required, if your doctor participates in this anxiety screening by providing a short questionnaire…

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ADHD Signs in Adults 

ADHD Signs in Adults  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Because next month is ADHD Awareness Month, it is a good time to go over the signs and symptoms of ADHD. Very often, this mental health condition is underdiagnosed, particularly in adults. A significant reason for that is that the best-known symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are those that children experience. Those who struggle with ADHD as adults can experience the condition in different ways.  By knowing how ADHD most often presents, patients can conduct a self-screening process to determine if they are potentially living with ADHD, making it easier to then get the help they need. How ADHD…

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Should You See a Psychiatrist? 

Should You See a Psychiatrist?  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

When you are ill or in pain, the leading solution is often to go to the doctor who can provide medicine or another solution to help you mitigate the symptoms. So if you are having a problem that involves emotional issues, the ideal provider might be a psychiatrist. Understanding the role of a psychiatrist and how they can assist you can help answer the question of whether or not they are the best professional to treat your symptoms and diagnoses, or if you should turn to another health professional. What is a Psychiatrist?  A psychiatrist is a doctor who specializes…

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How to Support a Partner Experiencing Depression

How to Support a Partner Experiencing Depression 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

Depression affects millions of people, both men and women, each year. This makes it likely that at some point in your relationship, you might find that your partner is experiencing symptoms of depression.  This can be a challenging time for both of you. Depression is hard for the person experiencing it, but it can also cause strain in a relationship and leave the person not experiencing depression unsure of what to do and how to help. While you do not need to be an expert in psychology, knowing a few tips on how to support your partner through depression can…

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Benefits of Virtual Psychiatry

Benefits of Virtual Psychiatry 150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

As a result of changes in the medical industry during COVID and advances in communications technology, virtual healthcare is likely here to stay. For clients seeking psychiatry and mental health care services, telepsychiatry offers many benefits that can be extremely valuable in helping you get the customized care that you need. Why Consider Telepsychiatry in Dallas Psychiatry can provide solutions to a range of different problems. It can help with depression, anxiety, ADHD, addiction, and a range of other disorders that can be difficult, if not impossible, to cope with on your own. While in-person psychiatry has long provided solutions…

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Interesting New Findings on the Relationship Between Serotonin and Depression 

Interesting New Findings on the Relationship Between Serotonin and Depression  150 150 Aware Behavioral Health

The human brain is an intensely complex space. For years, scientists have been studying the workings of the brain at the psychological level – the thoughts and feelings the brain produces – and a chemical level – the structures and neurotransmitters that led to those thoughts. For several decades now, scientists have understood the cause of depression to be low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. But a review of past research published last month has introduced the hypothesis that this may not always be the case, potentially changing the way we treat depression. Understanding the Link Between Neurotransmitters and Low…

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